Bells on Kingston & TOEastCyclists’ Grinch Ride Joins TCBC’s Cycling Good Cheer!

Images by Jonathan Schmidt

Last week, the Grinch hitched up his bike. The people of Scarborough smiled, honked, and waved. Even the pickup drivers gave him a thumbs up and the whole lane.

And what happened then…?

Well…in Scarborough they say that the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day!

And he himself decided to give the people of Scarborough what they deserve – nice things like safe roads, complete streets, and bike lanes.

TO East Cyclists / Bells on Kingston’s Grinch Ride joined Toronto Community Bikeways Coalition‘s (TCBC’s) 3rd Annual, Cycling Good Cheer Ride at Yonge and Bloor, then rode with the larger group to Nathan Phillips Square.

Images by Jonathan Schmidt
