Danforth-Kingston Safe & Complete Streets Organizing

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Danforth-Kingston Safe & Complete Streets Organizing

You are invited to participate in a Bells on Kingston organized event to plan and expand a campaign for safe and complete streets on Danforth and Kingston in Scarborough. Please forward this message and invite others. And dress warm! Friday overnight forecast is -18…warming up to a balmy -7 by Saturday noon.

Safe and Complete Streets
Organizing Gathering

Saturday February 4, 10 am – Noon
AccessPoint on Danforth
3079 Danforth Ave, Scarborough (Danforth & Victoria Park)


Imagine together a safe Danforth-Kingston corridor in Scarborough.
Strategize how we can support the city toward good redesign for all road users.

  • Brainstorm and plan activities to bring along others to celebrate and promote Danforth-Kingston in 2023.
  • Learn the history and context, what we know about city plans, and how we might be part of consultations.
  • Celebrate the successes of Bells on Kingston 2022.

The City is looking to make safety and streetscape improvements in 2023-2024 along Danforth Avenue & Kingston Road, from Victoria Park to Scarborough Golf Club. This could include things like:

  • Pedestrian safety improvements
  • Traffic calming
  • On-street parking spots
  • Protected bike lanes
  • On-street patios
  • Public artwork
  • Greenery
  • Transit stop improvements

Be part of an organized and effective campaign team for a better Danforth-Kingston!

Image: TOeastCyclists Mailchimp: 01/31/2023 – Support the Danforth-Kingston complete street | https://mailchi.mp/03345cd5587c/support-the-danforth-kingston-complete-street?e=9f50905061

Bells on Kingston